Returns & Refund Policy

Return Policy

To return your products, we ask that you contact Customer Service
to request a return and be sure to follow the instructions on how to return the product. You must comply with the following conditions:

- The product must be in its original condition and packed in the original packaging.

- The original tags must remain on the clothing.

- Accessories must contain all parts in the original packaging.

- Shoes must be placed in the original shoe box.

Refund Policy

We will process your refund and confirm that you are entitled to a
refund after returning your order. It may take up to 21 days to receive a
refund if the payment was made by bank card

We will process your refund and ensure that you are entitled to a
refund after your order is returned to one of our warehouses and you comply
with the conditions for return replacement within a period not exceeding 72
hours in the case of cash payment.

Face Coverings ReturnPolicy

If the packaging of the face covering is unopened, our standard
return policy will apply to this product. However, if the product packaging has
been opened, this cannot be returned, exchanged, or refunded for health
protection reasons, except in the case of manufacturing defects. Returns can be
accepted within 72 hours of the order delivery date.

Cost of returning the product

There are fees for returning products as long as the product is in
its original condition and the original packaging. You can return your order
via customer service within 48 hours from the date of receipt of the order.

Shipping costs

We will not refund your shipping costs unless you return a defective product. Defects will be assessed once the product is received at our
warehouse and if defects are approved, the refund will include shipping costs.

Return period

Purchases from the Wama Center online store can be returned within
48 hours of the order delivery date if they are eligible according to our
returns policy.