How can I return a product I purchased ?

Please contact our customer service to request a return and follow the
provided instructions for returning the product.

What are the conditions for returning a product ?

The product must be in its original condition and packaged in its original packaging.

Can I return a face cover ?

If the face cover package remains unopened, our standard return policy applies.

If opened, returns are only possible in the case of manufacturing defects.

Is there a cost to return aproduct ?

There are fees for returning products, provided the product is in its original condition and packaging.

When will I receive a refundafter a return ?

We will process your refund after receiving your returned order.

Do you refund shippingcosts upon returns ?

We will not refund shipping costs unless the product being returned has defects.

What is the allowedduration for returns ?

Purchases can be returned within 48 hours of the order delivery date.

What if the returnedproduct has defects ?

If defects are approved, the refunded amount will include shipping costs.

Can shoes be returned ?

Yes, but shoes must be placed in their original shoebox.

How can I learn more aboutthe return policy ?

You can refer to our return policy on our website for detailed information.